Build and publish a pure Python package --------------------------------------- This the workflow is similar to the ``publish.yml`` workflow, except, instead of building wheels using cibuildwheel, a pure Python wheel and a source distribution are build, tested and published instead. .. code:: yaml jobs: publish: uses: OpenAstronomy/github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/publish_pure_python.yml@v1 with: test_extras: test test_command: pytest --pyargs test_package secrets: pypi_token: ${{ secrets.pypi_token }} Inputs ~~~~~~ runs-on ^^^^^^^ Choose an alternative image for the runner to use for building and testing the source distribution and wheel. By default, this is ``ubuntu-latest``. test_extras ^^^^^^^^^^^ Any ``extras_requires`` modifier that should be used to install the package for testing. Default is none. test_command ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The command to run to test the package. Will be run in a temporary directory. Default is no testing. env ^^^ A map of environment variables to be available when building and testing. Default is none. Due to `GitHub Actions limitations `__ this is the only way to pass environment variables from your workflow file into the publishing job. .. code:: yaml uses: OpenAstronomy/github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/publish_pure_python.yml@v1 with: env: | VAR1: test VAR2: | first line seconds line VAR3: testing libraries ^^^^^^^^^ Packages needed to build the source distribution for testing. Must be a string of space-separated apt packages. Default is install nothing extra. python-version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The version of Python used to test and build the package. By default, this is ``3.x``. upload_to_pypi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Whether to upload to PyPI after successful builds. The default is to upload to PyPI when tags that start with ``v`` are pushed. A boolean can be passed as ``true`` (always upload) or ``false`` (never upload) either explicitly or as a boolean expression (``${{ }}``). Alternatively, a string can be passed to match the start of a tag ref. For example, ``'refs/tags/v'`` (default) will upload tags that begin with ``v``, and ``'refs/tags/'`` will upload on all pushed tags. .. code:: yaml uses: OpenAstronomy/github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/publish_pure_python.yml@v1 with: upload_to_pypi: refs/tags/ repository_url ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The PyPI repository URL to use. Default is the main PyPI repository. upload_to_anaconda ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Whether to upload to after successful builds. The default is to not upload. A boolean can be passed as ``true`` (always upload) or ``false`` (never upload) either explicitly or as a boolean expression (``${{ }}``). anaconda_user ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ user or organisation. Required if ``upload_to_anaconda`` is true. anaconda_package ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ package. Required if ``upload_to_anaconda`` is true. anaconda_keep_n_latest ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If specified, keep only this number of versions (starting from the most recent) and remove older versions. This can be useful to prevent a build-up of too many files when uploading developer versions. timeout-minutes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The maximum number of minutes to let the workflow run before GitHub automatically cancels it. Default is ``360``. submodules ^^^^^^^^^^ Whether to checkout submodules. Default is ``true``. Secrets ~~~~~~~ pypi_token ^^^^^^^^^^ The authentication token to access the PyPI repository. anaconda_token ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The authentication token to access the repository. This token should have the scope ``api:write`` (allow write access to the API site).